Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Second day (not that I am counting or anything)

Today has been a good!  Carolyn came over and had an official weigh in and she took pictures (even of my back, I have a big butt) and even a video.  We had a nice lunch of whole wheat rotini, cauliflower, shrimp and sauce.  I love almonds and have been having them along with fruit for snacks.  My blood sugars have been a little low but I will get that straightened out next week.  Did I tell everyone that I am going to be a grandma again--Stacey, Stefani's sister, is pregnant.  Her daughters are two precious girls who have called Joe and I grandpa and grandma since they started speaking.  Can't wait.  Well, I have to go and make "nutritious" Spanish Rice (don't tell Joe).


  1. Girl, don't get me started on somebody having a big butt. Baby got back-talking about me, but soon we are going to look back and say"where did my butt go?" haha.. I am so glad you decided to step out and make the decision to change your life. You can do it and there are now 10 of us on this journey together! We care about you and can't wait to get to know you!

  2. Loved reading your post Dawn. Did Joe like the "nutritious" spanish rice? :-)
