Monday, November 22, 2010

6 days and still surviving.....

Well, here is my sixth day and a weigh in has happened.  I weigh two pounds less than I did last Wednesday--216 to 214!!!!  Feel real good but I am really pining for so chocolate!!  None in house thank God!  Made cookies and brownies  yesterday with CLC and didn't even lick the bowls, didn't even want to.


  1. Great job Dawn!!! Proud of you!

  2. That is great! Make sure to keep the junk out of the house. You might want to buy some flavored stevia for when you get a sweet tooth!

  3. Told the ladies in the kitchen today about your progress. I was talking to Fawn on the phone. Proud of you girl!

  4. Congrats!!! And Welcome to the Journey to a whole new U inside & out =)
