Tuesday, January 25, 2011

one more down

Well, here I am-one more pound down!  Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could snap your fingers, like Dorothy did with her red shoes, and we could finish our journey that quick.   I am taking this as a learning experience on how to eat better and getting longevity out of life!
If someone wants a husband, I have one for sale-no give away!  Since he can't work until we see the cardio man-HE IS DRIVING ME NUTS!!!  I have never cooked so much food and so many baked goods in a long time.  Tried to get him out to walk and nope he stays in his pajamas all day and won't do a thing!  Lord give me patience!
Had 3 out of 4 grandchildren last night and cooked spaghetti and meatballs. One wouldn't eat it because it was whole wheat pasta.  His lost!
I am leaving everyone with this thought--Everything is possible with His help!


  1. Dawn-you always make me smile! : ) Thank you for being you! You have the best attitude ever about this journey...it's about healthy living not being stick thin! :) Love you bunches and bunches!

  2. Amen!!! We'll get joe or "He" will!! Keep praying! I'm praying for you n joe, kids and grankids as well!!!

  3. well I know what grandkids ate the whole wheat pasta you are doing an awesome job Mom keep up the good work
