Saturday, January 15, 2011

sitting here in my nightfown....

Here I am sitting here in my nightgown getting ready to start my day.  Got up at 4-couldn't sleep anymore.  It has been a rough two weeks but I will get through it.
My journey has taken quite a hit.  I ended up in the hospital and try staying on your journey with their food--I think I did pretty good.  Yesterday my husband was admitted for a heart attack, so again it is back to hospital food.  Even though Pastor Larry said I was a cheap date-$.69 for a salad.
I want to thank everyone for their words of encouragement.  Well it is now 6:40am and I have to get a shower and get ready to go do angel food, hospital visit, Christmas with my family, hospital visit and maybe a Harlem Wizard game.  Depends on Joe.
Love to all!


  1. Praying for you sweet Dawn! Remember that God is in all the details!

  2. Neither of you feeling all that great and you still show up for church. You're both prettying amazing and I love you.
